This engine was developed not just to technically satisfy “high-degree image portrayal” to process and visualize vast quantities of data or to dynamically articulate network and historical data, but also to incorporate users’ methodologies such as marketing theories, uniquely realizing “intuitive understandings of highly complex events.”
To visualize “vast quantities of complex subjects” prevalent in the universe.
This engine is currently used in various settings including optimizing promotional events by visualizing information ebbs and flows or optimizing call centers by analyzing trends of inbound inquiries and reducing operational burdens.
To visualize “vast quantities of complex subjects” prevalent in the universe.
ONTROX IDG™ Technology was developed to fulfill such a theme.

With the advancement of IT and the resultant surge of information volume, more people are equipped with their own mediums of communication and their voices and influences are on the rise.
Listening to the voices of these individuals through social media and other channels are becoming ever more important to implement effective strategies.
To understand “human minds” hidden in the digitized communications.
Unlike other engines with standard dictionaries and “syntactical analyses,” this engine uses “mathematical analyses” with highly sophisticated arithmetics to assess addressers’ intentions quickly. Additionally, it can handle colloquial expressions and eliminates the need to maintain dictionaries or clear noises, thus alleviates the maintenance burdens.
This engine is currently used at various settings including call centers to analyze the mind factors real time and troubleshoot, assisting social listening strategies, and reflecting players’ minds in the virtual realities of video games.
To understant “human minds” hidden in the digitized communications.
ONTROX MFA™ Technology was developed to fulfill such a theme.